Integrations Part 2: What Are Their Benefits?

Integrations Part 2: What Are Their Benefits?

Last month, we touched on how today’s companies have come to depend on a wide variety of Enterprise Applications. Since these business systems are made by different companies, the data that they collect is stored in different ways. As a result, moving data from one system to another—and making sure that data is consistent—can be an incredibly time-consuming and expensive process. 

As we know, an Integration makes your data consistent across your applications. Besides that, there is a litany of other reasons why your company should undertake data integrations.

Here are some of the major benefits of Integrations: 

1. Your Company Becomes More Efficient

With a software architecture that is highly standardized and integrated, data can move freely between your different applications. As a result, any bottlenecks you normally experience in retrieving and using data will be greatly reduced (or even eliminated completely). This doesn’t just get rid of communication delays; it also reduces the amount of human error. Since the data transfers are happening automatically and without any manual user input, your processes will be seamless.

2. You Save Money

Your employees and IT department have been wasting a lot—and we mean A LOT—of time, energy, and of course, money maintaining, updating, and reconciling both your applications and their data. One of the greatest benefits of the SaaS revolution has been how world-class integration technology is available to companies of any size. By tapping into these technologies, you reduce your need to hire legions of in-house IT staff members. With cloud integrations, your tools and infrastructure is managed by someone else, saving you money that could be spent on other business development endeavors.

3. Your Employees Will Be More Productive

Integrations allow your employees to finally break free of the shackles of inefficient and disjointed systems. When your employees have to manually input and transfer information from one application to another, they simply cannot perform at their peak levels. Furthermore, human error is inevitable in such data transfers, which could then lead to employees having to clean up a colleague’s mess. By eliminating laborious data transfers and painful system reconciliations from their to-do lists, your employees can go back to focusing on their core duties.

4. It Drives Innovation and Maximizes Your Adaptability

These days, global markets and business trends can change at a dizzying pace. If a company cannot keep up with the world, it can lead to its downfall. System integration doesn’t simply make the transfer of data between your applications easier; it also makes your company one that’s “connected.” In doing so, you give your systems, employees, customers, partners, and more the ability to interface and collaborate with you. With greater connectivity to the world, you can better anticipate changes, make decisions and modify your business model quicker than ever before. 

5. You Provide An Exceptional Customer Experience

The most important thing your company can do to retain your customer base is to provide them with a fantastic experience. With Integrated business systems at your disposal, your customers will be able to access their up-to-date data whenever they want. Furthermore, it will allow them to quickly get any customer support issues taken care of while also eliminating the risk of data-sync issues. Providing top-notch service to your customers makes them happy, and happy customers means they’re much more likely to increase the amount of business they do with you.


This post was originally published by CTR.  CTR was acquired by AST in January 2023. 



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