6 Ways an Application Managed Services Provider Can Help You Get the Most Out of Your Cloud Investment

6 Ways an Application Managed Services Provider Can Help You Get the Most Out of Your Cloud Investment

Over the past decade, many companies have made the decision to move their operations to the cloud. There are many reasons for doing this: It can reduce your operational costs, make your workforce more flexible and your services more scalable, secure your data, improve collaboration amongst your employees, and—most importantly—help you better connect with your customers. 

Even if you’ve made a sizable investment in Oracle ERP Cloud applications, however, there is no guarantee that you’re going to get everything that you could be getting out of it. One of the most popular cloud options to maximize your investment is to employ an Application Managed Services provider who is an Oracle Platinum Partner. 

Here are 6 ways that using an Application Managed Services Provider (AMSP) can help you get the most out of your cloud investment:

1. Performing a System Assessment of Your Current State and Future Potentials

Just because you’ve moved to Oracle, it doesn’t mean that you no longer have to perform routine administrative activities like system assessments. Sadly, many companies tend to do just that—they neglect these important evaluations. In doing so, they’re setting themselves up for having a system that is not optimized for their business and its capabilities. 

By working with an Oracle AMSP like us, you’ll have a team that is dedicated to improving and/or safeguarding the investment you’ve made and ensuring that you’re using the power of Oracle to your advantage. Furthermore, we will determine whether or not your company’s system speed is robust enough for your needs. Many companies shy away from doing this because it can be a long and tedious process. With a managed services partner, however, you get to outsource that hassle. Better yet, your company will be set up with a system that is optimized and fast enough not only for your current situation, but for where you plan to be down the road. So, you can scale your cloud computing capabilities while also growing your business. 

2. Routine Environmental Health Checks

In addition to the system assessments, AMSPs can help your company set up custom reports and monitor them in order to make sure they’re running smoothly. We understand that no two companies are alike and each has its own infrastructure onto which the Oracle environment is placed, so these checks ensure that you’re able to operate as efficiently as possible. Moreover, by looking at the tables your team has accessed and the way you’ve extracted data, we can even increase your system speed. 

3. Have Quarterly Update Reviews

Oracle releases quarterly patches, so we review their readiness documents to figure out if these updates are going to have an effect on your system’s performance. Furthermore, we’ll take a look at any enhancements Oracle has made to see if we can optimize your system. If there are any updates or system enhancements we believe you need to know about, we’ll have a meeting with your team to review everything and give our assessment. 

The most important thing here is to ensure that none of Oracle’s patches are going to cause any problems with your system. Most of the time, your team is able to determine fairly quickly if there are going to be any problems, but we can also do our own set of testing. Either way, our team is ready to provide whatever assistance necessary should any issues arise.

4. Be Your Advocate With Oracle

Sitting on hold, waiting to talk to a customer service agent is time-consuming and one of the last things you want to worry about. As such, our team is ready to assist you with resolving any issues you need taken care of with Oracle. We’ll submit the ticket for you, interface with Oracle, and then confer with you when it’s time to come up with a resolution. In doing so, your team will have more time to focus on what really matters: growing your business. 

5. Process Reviews With Experts in Their Respective Fields

It costs a lot of money to have a team full of experts, so we’ve assembled it for you. Our consultants are laser-focused on functional processes ranging from Procure to Pay (Purchasing to Payables) and Order to Cash (Order Management to Receivables), to Make to Deliver (Manufacturing to Shipping) and everything in between. With so much exposure to such a diverse set of fields, our team can help yours solve just about any issue that may arise on an as-needed basis. 

6. Assist With Integrations and Extensions Where Practical

More often than not, we meet with clients who have a litany of systems (both cloud and on-premises) that would greatly benefit from a direct integration with Oracle. We believe that having a single point of entry for all of your systems will simplify your businesses operations, while also making them more efficient and accurate. As a result, we can help your business integrate all of your systems with Oracle, getting you the most out of your operational costs. 

This post was originally published by CTR.  CTR was acquired by AST in January 2023. 

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