Don’t Forget! Free Webinar Tomorrow: Cloud-Based Approach to Enhancing the Utility Customer Experience

Don’t forget to join AST and Oracle tomorrow, October 15, at 1:00 PM CDT for a free webinar discussing an innovative, cloud-based solution that can improve and enhance your customers’ experiences.
Utility companies often face numerous challenges that can derail the “customer experience” and provide a less-than-user-friendly encounter. Potential pitfalls include exasperating call volumes, lengthy hold times and significant increases in inquiry rates during critical safety and emergency conditions. Today’s modern consumer seeks immediate assistance via internet-enabled devices with self-service capabilities to avoid long phone calls and obtain answers quickly. To address this prevalent and growing demand, Utility companies are adopting cloud-based customer service platforms and marketing services that enable them to deliver functional, convenient, and cost-effective customer experiences.
Join us tomorrow afternoon for this free informational webinar about how to radically improve your Utility customers’ experiences.  Register here!

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